Universidade da Coruña. Advanced Scientific Research Centre (CICA)
CICA, the Advanced Scientific Research Centre, is part of the Universidade da Coruña and gathers interdisciplinary research groups on biotechnology, biomedicine, new materials and environment. Being a brand-new centre, it’s home to modern advanced lab equipment, highly qualified technicians and excellent researchers.
The University offers our expertise to those projects working on the intersection of our strategic research areas (biotechnology, biomedicine, new materials and environment) and the RRI pillars, particularly in science education. However, we also consider the other pillars (ethics, public engagement, gender and open science), in our RRI plan (currently in development).
Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa. CSCI
The School, Community and Company Consortium (CSCI) is a Vocational Training Agency, authorized by the Piedmont Regional Government.
Since 1999 CSCI has worked in strict contact with the Italian schools, as well as VET and Adult Education bodies, managing and directing soft skills and technical courses for teachers and trainers and doing orientation among young students. In this proposal, CSCI participates bringing its experience in the framework of the testing and evaluation of learning outcomes, new teaching methodologies to enforce young people skills, as well as active citizenship.
CSCI as a great experience in the management of EU projects in the field of education and training matters.
http://www.cscinovara.it/it-IT/valorizzazione-sviluppo-territoriale/ External link.
ECO – LOGIC is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to protection and conservation of the environment, promotion of modern ecological practices, as well as monitoring and promoting the principle of sustainable development, emphasizing primary education settings (elementary and primary schools, both formal and non-formal).
The project was part of a bigger EU funded project, which involved 10 organizations from the Balkan Region, called SMART START Project. Eco-Logic took part in the project in the second phase, where 40 organizations had the goal to develop and form their social enterprises. Taking the fact that Eco Logic as an organization works in the fields of non-formal education, sustainable development and environment decided to make a research and work on the establishment of the first children educational centre that works by the principles of social entrepreneurship.
Kauno Dainavos progimnazija
Kaunas Dainava progymnasium is a state budgetary institution. Its founder is Kaunas City Municipality. Its type – progymnasium, teaching language – Lithuanian.
Our school belongs to UNESCO associated schools net, so we regularly do a lot of different activities to show the importance of UNESCO mission: to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. We have social-emotional learning (SEL) lessons. Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. So, in our lessons, we teach students how to recognize emotions, how to work with them, teachers and other school staff, including parents, tries to help children to cope with their problems and needs especially.
Mälardalen University
Mälardalen University (MDU) is a Swedish public university with approximately 20,000 students and 1,000 employees. In just a few years the University has developed from a regional university of technology into a broad academy and a powerful driving force in the region.
The project will be part of the embedded systems (ES) research department at MDU. The MDU strategy for research and education recognizes ES as the university’s only centre of excellence. ES has a successful track record of co-production with industry and is a holder of many national and international research projects, including Artemis and ITEA projects, several SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research) and VR (Swedish Research Council) frameworks and individual projects. ES consists of six cooperating research directions: Dependable systems, Real-time systems, Robotics and avionics, Sensor systems and health, Software engineering, and Verification and validation.
Non-Formal learning club
Non-formal learning club “WE” (Neformalaus mokymosi klubas "MES") is a non-governmental, non-profit organization was born and grew up in an informal environment, which was a non-vocational, non-formal experience-based learning. Informal learning group activities began in 2010 and the organization officially established in 2012.
WE have experience working with a wide range of stakeholders of people of all ages, diverse cultures and backgrounds and highly qualified professionals who analyse, design and develop each project with the best guarantees of success. Non-formal learning club "WE" has a strong background in research and conducting a needs analysis. Our team consist of qualified educationalist, non-formal education specialist, researchers, trainers, qualified project managers and other proactive, strenuous personalities, who are open for cooperation and continuous learning.
https://sites.google.com/site/organizacijames/ External link.
SOU Orde Copela Prilep
“Orde Chopela” is a secondary vocational school in Prilep, the Republic of North Macedonia.
As a school which cares about the environment, we are involved in different ecological activities organized by the Municipality. There is also an active eco-club in our school where the students take part in different ecological activities. The subjects’ curricula implement ecological contents which enable the development of the awareness in the students for today’s ecological problems. The school is also included in the project “We want solar energy” organized by the association “Go green”.
Rudbeckianska gymnasiet
Rudbeckianska Gymnasiet is an upper secondary school run by the City of Västerås. It offers a wide range of education, providing most of the national theoretical programme as well as a vocational programme in the field of child and leisure with a focus on teaching or social work. The staff consists of teachers, administration, the professional students’ health and prevention team, in a total of 130 persons.
Parts of the lessons are dedicated to environmental issues. The students’ awareness of challenges connected with the environment, climate, the search for sustainable solutions and knowledge-based planning is increasing every year. This in turn has an impact on the themes used in the teaching, in encouraging the students desire to learn and to heighten their motivation.
https://skola.vasteras.se/gymnasieskolor/rudbeckianska External link.
SC Sviluppo chimica S.p.A.
Sviluppo Chimica is a share capital company entirely owned by Federchimica, the Federation of Chemical Industry in Italy, representing more than 1,400 companies of large, medium and small size.
SC offers Advanced Training Programmes: organizes about 40 training courses per year, according to the needs of the Chemical Companies (at their headquarters or plants) or following a catalogue of internal courses. Business areas covered, thanks to the support of the sister company Centro Reach S.r.l or the associated company Certiquality S.r.l or external partners (Assologistica), are General Management; Products Stewardship & Regulatory Affairs; Health, Safety & Environment; Logistics; Energy; R&D.