An Innovative learning approach for circular chemistry in secondary education

Rudbeckianska Gymnasiet and CIRCLE LAB, an Innovative learning approach for circular chemistry in secondary education, are collaborating to develop a series of school enrichment programs that teach students about circular chemistry through hands-on activities.
Rudbeckianska Gymnasiet in Västerås, Sweden, is one of the partners in CIRCLE LAB. The project is focused on the development of teacher training courses and educational tools around the topic of circular economy with a focus on sustainable chemistry. The 10-12th grade school is Sweden’s first gymnasium, founded in 1623. The finalization of the CIRCLE LAB project will occur during the celebration of the schools 400th anniversary.
The school’s partnership in CIRCLE LAB focuses on testing and evaluating concepts associated with circular chemistry. For Rudbeckianska, the project will hopefully contribute to long-term-developing of teaching and learning within Chemistry as well as courses related to sustainable topics. The tools developed within CIRCLE LAB will hopefully come to use and contribute to extended learning. The school is currently a partner in another Erasmus+ project within mathematics and programming. The project will hopefully contribute to long-term-developing of teaching and learning within Circular Chemistry as well as courses related to sustainable topics.
We want people from different to use our virtual learning corner. This tool is focused on the production of educational materials, videos, games, interactive manuals, links for innovative training of teachers in the field of chemistry science and circular economy, shared among the countries participating in the project and with systematic dissemination actions in European school networks of undergraduates.
To ensure that future chemistry graduates will have the skills and competencies to meet societal challenges, the project will contribute to long-term-developing of teaching and learning within chemistry as well as courses related to sustainable topics. A series of Intellectual Outputs are being conducted to identify key questions for improvement within the circular chemistry curriculum.
Rudbeckianska Gymnasiet has a proud history of involvement in different international projects. Participation in these projects have created a lot of meaningful relations around the world and have also helped extend the output of education.