National Efforts from Italian Partner
to address STEM and chemical study

30-11-2022 by SC Sviluppo chimica
SC Sviluppo chimica S.p.A. is a service company, controlled by Federchimica, the Italian Federation of the Chemical Industry which gathers more than 1,400 companies grouped into 17 Associations and articulated into 38 product groups, totalling more than 94,000 employees.
SC supports innovation within chemical companies offering professional services in the following functional areas:
- product safety and regulatory compliance.
- plant management and industrial hygiene.
- transport and logistics.
- innovative industrial and educational initiatives promoting energy efficiency and sustainable development.
- R&D projects, horizontal innovative initiatives and venture capital,
- Industrial Relations and National Collective Agreement.
- IT and administrative support.
SC furthermore fosters the chemical industry’s competitiveness with the following actions:
- promotes sectoral diffusion of state-of-the-art technology, innovation, and best practices information within the above-indicated functional areas, exploiting specific market and technical competencies stemming from the 17 Associations of which the Federation is composed.
- monitors the European Commission’s funding opportunities to support chemical companies (particularly SMEs) on how to design and develop, present, get funded and report jointly participated R&D projects.
- promotes venture capital and private equity funding of chemical companies operating within the innovative fields of sustainable & green chemistry, circular economy, and bioeconomy, in order to support the latest market developments and sustain technology exploitation such as Industry 4.0 and other promising implementations.
- organizes training courses for managers and public officers on product and plant safety, security, logistics and energy issues.
SC collaborate with the educational department of Federchimica to encourage young students to address STEM paths and perform Chemical studies, aiming to let them choose a career within the R&D labs present in chemical companies and create added value and well-being for our Society.
Knowledge and competence over innovative trends within Chemical Science and Industry have been exploited through CIRCLE LAB and made available to develop and present training content for secondary schools within the Circular Chemistry subject, as required by the project, and will be accordingly promoted among technical schools in Italy by the Federation’s corresponding function (Education).